
I'm making this "Now" page in the spirit of the about-ideas-now site, it's a page about the things I'm doing now, my current projects, and/or the things on my mind in the very short-term future.


i upload videos thinking about my life pretty regularly, and i stream every day basically.

this may change depending on the things below, but who knows

some channels i watch a lot lately are Mateo Y Lisanna, Guille Alfonsín, and if you check my channel out you will probably see that i make video responses to channels i encounter quite often


i have a job interview tomorrow, for covering a maternity leave in some kind of consulting position, it'd last like 8 months

i think i have high chances of getting it, i've talked about my feelings on the first Teams interview on this video, mixed feelings regarding the position but i'll probs take it

Taylor Swift concert

it's in 2 weeks, 29th of may i think

im kinda nervous bc i may have a job so idk how that will interface with it, maybe i'll be tired, or in a rush to get there, o tired the next day, i don't know

also there will be way too many people which is overwhelming. and im going with a friend and his gf and im not sure what the plan is and how the situation will be tbh